If you are in high school, have you thought about using your talents to sing in our St. Mary Choir?  A number of students sing in their school choirs and are developing outstanding talents!  Or maybe your full class schedule could not accommodate Choir this year.  Please consider sharing your gifts with our choir!  We meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 and are very accommodating of homework and extra curricular activity schedules.  Come late, leave early, miss here and there, but come be a part of the excitement!  We sing beautiful and challenging music and the choir spans all ages beginning with high school freshmen.  If you are looking for service hours or a way to find a ministry that is an expression of you, come try us on and see if we’re a fit!  We will begin practices and singing at the 8:45 Masses in early September.  Keep an eye on the bulletin for details, and in the meantime, introduce yourself to Mrs. Silleck – either email her at ssilleck@stmarylancaster.org, text or call her at 614-419-5768, or stop up in the loft after Mass.  We look forward to meeting you,  And bring a friend!